Geometry nodes raycast visualizer(3.1+)
node group to visualize raycast node in blender geometry nodes. allow you to visualize the rays from any geometry. including an option to visualize the normal ray hit. Enjoy!
download the ".blend" file.
append the node group "Raycast Visualizer HN V1_2 {append this}"
plug to the "Is Hit", "Hit Position", "Hit Normal" and the "Geometry" to the node group an visualize the rays!
"Is Hit" Input the "Is Hit" from the "Raycast" node outputs.
"Hit Position" Input the "Hit Position" from the "Raycast" node outputs.
"Hit Normal" Input the "Hit Normal" from the "Raycast" node outputs.
"Geometry" Input the geometry the rays will be casted from. *not the Target geometry of the Raycast node*
TIP: you can also plug point cloud and to visual alot of rays in different places on the mesh"Visualize Faces" Showing the result of rays casted from the center of the geometry's faces.
"Visualize Edges" Showing the result of rays casted from the center of the geometry's edges.
"Visualize Vertices" Showing the result of rays casted from the center of the geometry's vertices.
"Visualize Hit Normal" Show a second ray from the hit position to the direction of the hit normal. (Visualizing the hit normal)
TIP: this option will affect performance if a large number of rays are calculated. keep in mind, turning this option off can greatly boost performance."Normal Size" allowing you to scale the normal visualizer for convenience.
"Show Original Geometry" if checked the node will also output the original geometry in addition to the rays visual
"Geometry" visual of the rays based of the geometry input
geometry node group to visualize raycast node in the viewport